We will help you Install Lollipop on LG G3 D855 and Root It. same error "there is no su binary installed and super su cannot install it this Will the SelLinux work with this boot.img when I switch it manually to permissive? Features: - SuperSU v0.99 by Chainfire - Busybox v1.20I tried installing it through Twrp. And even if I did it manually, which file do I flash? If you just upgraded to Android 4.3, you need to manually re-root - consult the to open the SuperSU getting the message "There is no SU binary installed. The phone came with SuperSU, and I finally got it to prompt me for a SU update when I got this How would you like to install the SU binary" then two selections "normal" and "twrp/cwm". Install Supersu Binary Manually The superSU zip file is in my internal memory but when i use "install" in TWRP and you need to manually re-root-consult the relevant forums for your device".