Corrected problem in BSD socket timeouts, when the blocked receiving and blocked sending in the socket are simultaneously used from two threads. Corrected Neighbor Discovery failure, when the requested global IPv6 address is on-link. Corrected filtering for link-layer addressed UDP messages (datagrams with correct MAC address and invalid IP address are no longer received). Corrected return code from BSD_EINVAL to BSD_ESOCK if BSD socket is not created. Corrected memory issue when receiving fragmented broadcast message. Corrected possible memory corruption in CHAP authentication, when PPP interface used in client mode, and the server generates CHAP challenges of less than 16 bytes. Added send frame buffering, if the MAC address in the IPv6 NDP cache is not resolved (the first call to the netUDP_Send function does not fail anymore). Added support for passwords stored as MD5 hash value HA1. Added support for user accounts in HTTP server Digest authentication. Added support for Digest access authentication in HTTP server. – Updated Network Component to version 7.12.0 Corrected bug in fmedia which could cause non-initialized pointer access when using uninitialized drive. Corrected bug in FAT cluster handling when deleting file which could cause false out of space error. Corrected bug in FAT file name compare for names with equal root and 13 characters in length (LFN). Added second instance of the RAM drive (drive R1). Added debug configuration for debugging with Event Recorder. Added status codes fsAlreadyExists and fsNotDirectory that allow more control when using fmkdir, frmdir and fchdir. Added ftime_set and ftime_get functions used to manage the file or directory timestamps. – Updated File System Component to version 6.13.0