Gaara’s experience in the Forest of Death is a little different. He also holds back some of his strength here, which allows us to see that he’s even stronger than what we’ve seen in this fight. Quickly, it’s shown that Rock Lee has an extremely high amount of skill and heart as we see that he cherishes his friends no matter how well he actually knows them. He fights off 3 sound ninja by himself to protect Sakura who he only has a comedic crush on but is willing to put his life on the line for her. Rock Lee, after being comedic relief with a hint of strength to him, shows a little more of his skills.

On to the Forest of Death where the story gets more fleshed out. With his simple, non-comedic introduction and appearance, he is the exact opposite of Rock Lee. Red hair, a giant gourd, and darkness under his eyes, he looks like a strong dude. His appearance is simple with a hint of mystery to it. His personality is cold, calculating, distant. We immediately know that he’s the strongest of the genin that we’ve seen so far. Other than the fact that Gaara’s skills and super sneaky ninja-ness make Sasuke a little scared himself. Let’s move on to the first time we see Gaara. This all served as a means for us to fall in love with him as a character, not to mention the fact that he straight up whoops Sasuke’s ass for us. His bowl haircut, his eyebrows, his cool guy pose, all of these should just put him on the long list of comedic relief characters, but it didn’t. Let’s not forget his crush on Sakura which added to his comedic tone.

Dawning a green jumpsuit and orange leg warmers Rock Lee quickly took over the scenery. Rock Lee is an obvious contender for comic relief with his appearance. We begin our story with the first time we see both of our combatants. Now how does a fight that’s not even half as long as most Naruto fights and also doesn’t even involve any main characters get into everyone’s top lists? Well, the answer is simple, this fight tells a story. This fight is on a lot of fan’s top 10’s and top 5 lists of fights in the series Naruto and it’s for good reason. Let’s talk about one of, if not the best fight in Naruto, Gaara vs. Sometimes the way characters were used could have been better as well, but let’s talk about one of the many things he did right. Masashi Kishimoto, the writer and illustrator of Naruto, has had his ups and downs in terms of the characters and story decisions he’s made in the manga and anime Naruto.